
About Me

Who am I? 
My kids call me Mum, my hubby calls me Jenny, and the web knows me as Cymiracle. 

My passion...
Creating is like opening a window to flood your soul with light. It allows you to stretch your imagination, to dream and to watch those dreams come to life. In my spare minutes I love to pull out a project that is not yet finished, or flick through pages of inspiration from magazines or the internet. It doesn't matter whether I'm working with fabric, wool, or paper (or anything else I have around the house). It doesn't matter whether I have an hour or ten minutes. It doesn't matter whether I have finished the last project or not. Just to create, make, sew, bead, paint, stick, knit, fold, embroider, crochet, mold, weave, or design brings oceans of joy. My family is used to discovering wool and fabric in the buffet, or bags of projects under the couch side table. They endure my passion and appreciate the many gifts they receive through it. After all, crafting is something we don't do merely for ourselves, it is an avenue through which we share joy with others. Not only through presents, but  also through communion with the many crafters in the world. I hope that you find something inspiring and beautiful on this blog. It is my wish that everyone would come to love and appreciate the joy of creating, but if not, at least learn to tolerate those of us who simply cannot help themselves making just one more....


"True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new." 
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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